Multiday themed adventure rides / races with PanCars cars in Latvia and the Baltics. Expeditions with individually developed themes, routes and programs.
- Car rental
- Fuel
- Personalized route
- Maksas ražotājiem un aktivitātēm / Ieejas maksas
- Pasākuma vadītājs un asistenti
- Car cleaning
- Technical support
- Rācijas
- Medaļas un balvas no PANCARS
Pēc pieprasījuma piedāvājam arī VIENAS dienas ekspedīciju, kā arī, balstoties uz Jūsu vēlmēm, varam izveidot pilnīgi personalizētu maršrutu.
- Car rental
- Personalized route
- Event host
- Car cleaning
- Technical support
- Great accommodation (with sauna, spa, restaurant options, etc.)
- Commemorative prizes from PanCars first 3 places (daily & all day winners)
- Car delivery to Tallinn & from Vilnius
- Fuel
- 2 route managers
Price includes car rental for all days of the trip, participation in tours & activities, guide / narrator services, entrance fees, etc. and PanCars operative technical support.