Flowers are beautiful, yes, but ladies, in your honor, we are making a rally! The PanCars Women's Day Rally will be an unforgettable Women's Day gift, both for the giver and the recipient. A beautiful day, for beautiful women, celebrating a beautiful holiday.
The PanCars rally is a competition of adventurous tasks, driving through the streets of Riga with the unique Fiat126, looking for checkpoints, solving mysteries, completing tasks and collecting points - PanCar is not the biggest car, but it is very adventurous and will definitely make you and those around you smile. We guarantee positive emotions and an exclusive experience!
Kā tas notiek?
Raļļosiet izmantojot mūsu speciāli veidoto interaktīvo WEB APLIKĀCIJU.
Pirms pasākuma veicam instruktāžu, pēc pasākuma apkopojam rezultātus un apbalvojam uzvarētājus.
*Take 1-2 teammates with you who will help you win (one of the team must have a category B driver's license)!
** You will need a mobile phone to complete the photo and video tasks.
CENA – 120 EUR/auto (parasti – 220 EUR/auto)
When? 8. martā
What time? 10:00 am Rally duration 3 H.
Where? PanCars mājvietā
Starts un finišs: Rīga.
Dress code: "It's my day, I'll wear what I want!!"
Awards for the most interesting outfits.
We remind you that the number of cars is limited, so hurry up and apply for a team in time!
In case of questions, feel free to write to